Saturday, 31 August 2013

The perfumes exist since earlier than we can recall, there is proof that it existed four thousand years ago and although we can certainly affirm that it has evolved through the years it is interesting to see how we are recently coming back to the origins, to more natural smells. Even though we can find perfume almost everywhere (shampoo, food, book,…) I must admit that what I fancy most is the aroma oils, especially aroma essential oils. I enjoy mixing different aroma oils and trying to make my own personal perfume.  OK, I admit the first times it felt like it is impossible to create a distinct aroma, that all the aroma essential oils I used did not create something new, but just de sum of the parts. But as soon as you start playing with aroma oils long enough and you train your nose a little you start getting ideas of what combinations could feet well. The first moment of pride is when you create a something new out of those aroma essential oils. Like the person who put together bread and cheese and invented pizza you feel like a pioneer, like this could be the America to Columbus, the Radium to Madame Curie. And after sometime it just feels more special (at least to me it did), but when you get your first guinea pig (a figurative guinea pig of course, in this case my sister) you realize that it is not exactly the kind of special you were thinking. The first time I mixed different aroma oils I obtained a estrange king of smell, sometime to strong, sometimes something else. The thing is that after a few tries you start getting a hang of it. Truth is that now I mix aroma essential oils for all my family and some of my friends. What I do is select specific aroma essential oils for each trying to match each person’s own scent.
By mixing your own aroma essential oils you not only make sure that the products you use are completely natural, but you are also able to create a strong smell that as a pair of boots you can wear around for the whole day.
If you want to experiment as I did I will let you know where I get most of my essential aroma oils, . But don’t tell anyone it is a secret.

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